Atlanta Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Sexual harassment in the workplace is absolutely unacceptable. Additionally, it is also illegal. At Williams Oinonen LLC, our Atlanta sexual harassment lawyers understand how intimidating it can feel to have to try and endure this kind of behavior at work. This type of behavior puts you in a very difficult spot – do you confront the person who is harassing you and risk losing your job if your employer doesn’t react well? Or do you continue to suffer through this illegal and unforgivable behavior? We have been assisting people with sexual harassment claims in the workplace for years. We will help ensure that the behavior stops and you don’t suffer any negative repercussions at work. If you do experience retaliation, we will make sure the appropriate parties are held accountable. Contact an Atlanta sexual harassment lawyer today for a consultation by filling out our online form or calling (404) 654-0288.

Two Types of Sexual Harassment

There are two different categories of sexual harassment that you can face at work: hostile work environment sexual harassment and quid pro quo sexual harassment.

Hostile Work Environment

This type of sexual harassment occurs when your work environment becomes so hostile due to sexual comments or other types of harassment that you’re unable to perform your job. This could be one significant instance of sexual harassment or many smaller instances of comments, gestures, or contact over the course of a more extended period of time.

Examples of Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment

  • Physical touching
  • Explicitly sexual comments or jokes
  • Posting sexually explicit material in common areas at work, even if it isn’t directed specifically at you

Quid Pro Quo

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when an employer or supervisor threatens an adverse employment action if you refuse to submit to their sexual demands. To qualify as quid pro quo harassment, your employer or supervisor has to actually follow through with the threat. The adverse employment action could be a demotion, failure to provide a deserved raise, changing your shift or work assignment, and anything else that negatively impacts your work to the point where a reasonable person would find it difficult or impossible to not submit to the demands of the employer.

Examples of Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

  • A supervisor requesting sexual favors in exchange for a promotion or a raise
  • An employer saying they won’t hire you unless you submit to their sexual demands

How to Prove Sexual Harassment

In order to be successful in a sexual harassment claim, you must prove the following elements:

  1. You were subjected to unwelcome sexual harassment;
  2. The harassment was based on sex or gender;
  3. The harassment was sufficiently severe or pervasive to the point that it altered the conditions of employment and created a hostile work environment or that you suffered an adverse employment action because you refused to submit to sexual demands; and
  4. There is a legal basis to hold your employer liable.

Williams Oinonen LLC Has Been Assisting Victims for Years

Our Atlanta sexual harassment lawyers understand the negative effects that sexual harassment can have on individuals. If you are a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, we want to help. Not only will we do everything in our power to ensure that you don’t have to endure this behavior anymore, but we will also make sure you recover any compensation you might be entitled to as a result. Contact us today for a consultation by filling out our online form or calling (404) 654-0288.